Gift of Choice Brochure — Holiday Gift-Giving Theme
A complete presentation of the Gift of Choice Product with emphasis on employee and customer Holiday gift-giving.  This electronic brochure is an impactful sales tool you can use this Holiday season to help your clients discover how easy it is to show their appreciation to employees and partners with Brand Name Gifts - Recipients Choose for Themselves.Use it to review the program with your client; it has been constructed where each page highlights a product feature and benefit. The back cover lists all of those in one place.

It’s 17 pages. Full color. Client-friendly version.
Your logo and contact information is printed on the last page of the brochure.

Click Here To Create Yours: In just a few minutes you will receive an email with both the branded brochure and suggested email content which you can use to “Cut-and-Forward” the brochure right to your client.